Data Pipeline Deployement
This project holds the config and other files required to allow a deployment of the OpenAIS system onto a Linux system.
This deployment pulls prebuilt containers from the Gitlab project repository, configures them using an environment variable file and more specific config files. The docker-compose file allows the deployment of
- an AIS preprocessing chain:
- AIS-i-Mov: an AIS parser
- AIS Decoder: converts NMEA encoded AIS into a decoded JSON object. 2x of these are deployed to handle scaling issues
- DB Inserter: Inserts JSON messages into the database
- Database: PostgreSQL+PostGIS+TimescaleDB database
- FrontEnd:
- PG-FeatureServ: OGC compliant API service
- Dashboard: Python generated dummy dashboard. Not really the best but it’s something…
- Management:
- PGAdmin: SQL and DB admin tool.
- Portainer: Container management tool.
The following is required for this deployment to work:
- Server with Linux operating system with
- Docker and
- Docker Compose installed
To get the project running do the following:
- Pull/clone this repo to your target machine
- Copy and edit the ./sample_config/sample.env file to .env
- Copy and edit the files in ./sample_config/* to /config/*
- docker-compose pull (to get the latest version of the containers)
- docker-compose up -d
NOTE: Currently the DB that is deployed in the project doesn’t have any AIS tables or functions. These need to be created as an additional step after deployement.